Girls Rule Our World (G.R.O.W) is an all-girl, female-led, self-esteem program which begins in 7th grade.

Vetted mentors meet weekly with young girls in the program at their school during the lunch period to help them discover their strengths and the unique qualities that makes them who they are. Mentors remain involved in the lives of their mentee until they graduate high school to ensure quality engagement and meaningful, consistent investment.

G.R.O.W provides girls a place to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas without fear of judgment. Participants learn ways to strengthen the relationships they find important while also discovering the need to let go of those which are not. In this program, girls learn to take care of their mental health by being taught how to deal with stress and express their frustrations, in addition to enhancing their decision-making process and gaining confidence in who they are. Through social activities, such as camping, and community service, girls learn the importance of strengthening relationships and serving their community while also being exposed to positive role models they can trust to help keep them succeed in and out of the classroom.